SimaTech Enterprise System includes many products and technologies, presented here with a brief text. Contact us if you want any of these products or technologies elaborated. Touch a field below.
With SimaTech technology, Dynamic Documents (DynDoc), you achieve the optimal solution for paperless management using digital worksheets, etc.
♦ Work orders
♦ Time sheets and material notes
♦ Stock of goods
♦ Order forms
♦ Incident reports
♦ Service reports
♦ and much more...
Besides text, Dynamic Documents may for example include signatures, photos, sound, sketches and payment module. Dynamic Documents is an app that tailors to your requirements and needs, and which fully integrates in SimaCar and SimaOffice. The contents of the documents are saved in the database along with the other assignment information so the data can be transferred to other systems. It is also possible to make a hard copy, which automatically can be sent to the customer as an email. Dynamic Documents can be used offline, which means that there is no loss of valuable data, even if you lose your mobile broadband coverage when carrying out the assignment.
The scene of an accident must be documented with the event information, photos, involved agencies and individuals, consumption of materials and much more. Subsequently, this overall information will be shared with several agencies and people for further processing. Working closely with several fire departments, including Køge Municipality’s Fire and Rescue Service, SimaTech has developed an Incident Report that allows the dispatcher to make a report at the scene. The incident report is developed as an application that runs on tablet or PC. Designed as a traditional paper-based report, the digital incident report is easy to navigate and understand. The incident report is divided into two sections:
♦ Information
♦ Professional Evaluation of the Incident
In the section “Information”, you will find an emergency form in which you enter basic information such as date, report number, address, insurance company, police report number, filled out by, crew registration, description and mail recipients. Once the data is completed, it is possible to report on the following focus areas:
♦ Environment
♦ Fire
♦ Rescue
Professional Evaluation of the Incident
Here it is possible to register an ODIN Report No., ODIN comments and to describe one’s own efforts in plain text and to evaluate one’s own forces' efforts.
Here you can see the whole report that appears as four screens when browsing the report on tablet or PC.