Respond Quickly and Accurately to an Alarm, a Service Check or Repair.

The security industry consists of companies that are professionally involved with safety and security. The three main groups are security service companies, locksmith companies and security technology companies. SimaTech has extensive experience in collaborating with the Danish public safety sector, including police, ambulance and fire services, which use SimaTech systems for quick and precise navigation and task management.

There is focus on increased security—both in the private sector and in business. This causes an increase in investment to protect values and people. Often, when personal safety has been threatened, you have to react quickly. A lock must be changed, an alarm system installed, or security patrols need to be increased and documented. Customer demands are rising in terms of responsiveness, response time, product range, competence and service levels.

Dispatch Security Guards, Optimize Routes and Improve Efficiency for Service Engineers, Technicians and Customer Service Assistants
With SimaTech Enterprise System, you achieve excellence in delivery, good customer service, quick response time, time and location logging of all incidents, as well as a complete digital workflow that eliminates errors and increases the level of documentation. The system will automatically determine what action the task requires, as well as which mobile employee is the closest, and whether he/she is vacant or not.

Specific Benefits:
♦  Digital worksheets with built-in quality assurance of work process, logging, aggregation of
    information, relevant documentation regarding the execution of the task, as well as opportunity
    for photo documentation, digital customer signature and payment module.
♦  High customer focus due to quick response time, quick arrival and reliability of the delivery and at the
    lowest possible transportation economy.
♦  Automatic data exchange between the office and employees on the move.
♦  Full integration between the SimaTech solution and the company’s procedures, which ensures an
    efficient workflow and creates transparency for customers.
Products Targeting the Security Industry: