Mini Trans

"Our customers come first, both in terms of fast, high-quality delivery and optimal transport economy. Therefore, we chose SimaTech as the provider of a fleet-management and logistics solution that creates an overview, transparency and fair distribution of assignments among our 120-strong fleet. The cooperation with SimaTech is ideal. Since its start in 2008, SimaTech has understood our needs and provided valuable advice. "
Michael Kastaniegaard, Managing Director, Mini Trans

The courier Company Masters Fleet Management and Fast Delivery
The courier company Mini Trans takes pride in being able to offer the transport industry's most professional logistics solutions. The company offers all types of vehicles ranging from small vans to big trucks that deliver goods for businesses, for example materials to construction sites and IKEA furniture to private homes. Common to Mini Trans' tasks is that delivery takes place quickly and safely.
To ensure the best possible logistics and a fair division of tasks for the courier company's 120 trucks, Mini Trans implemented SimaTech Enterprise Server SimaOffice, SimaCar and SimaWeb.
“Our fleet management solution ensures high-quality delivery, great customer service and optimized transport economy for our customers. The truckers own us, so a fair division of tasks is necessary. Our solution automatically finds out which type of vehicle suits the trip and indicates the nearest trucker. This avoids empty kilometers and consumes less fuel,” says Michael Kastaniegaard, Managing Director, Mini Trans.
Fair Distribution of Tasks
Mini Trans' fleet covers all of Denmark, and the vehicles are on the move constantly. Therefore, we need a complete overview of their position in order to distribute the tasks. The office sorts the truckers by who is available, or will soon be available, and then by geographic location. The greatest consideration is for the customer, as their wait should be as short as possible, and then the tasks are distributed as fairly as possible.
“We have got a complete overview of where our vehicles are, and from the vehicle, all truckers are able to keep up with the distribution and that it is done fairly. We can set the customer up to receive e-mails and text messages when the job is done, and by using SimaWeb Transport and a web-login they get a complete overview of their assignment, who delivered, who received the goods, and what the transport consumption has been. SimaOffice integrates with e.g. IKEA's distribution system, all orders are transferred automatically to our system, and we can return electronic feedback when the trip is completed,” says Michael Kastaniegaard.
Mini Trans has had SimaTech solution for eight years and is very satisfied with the cooperation.
“We chose SimaTech because they understand our needs and the transport industry to the fullest. It is far from all IT people who can do that. The cooperation is exemplary. We have a very good dialogue, and SimaTech has ensured that we utilize the trucks optimally and that the division of tasks between the truckers is as fair as possible,” he says.
Mini Trans is considering implementing SimaGo in the near future. The truckers are outside the vehicle 85 percent of the time, and often the office needs to make a phone call to ensure that they receive messages as soon as possible. To optimize this process, the messages will automatically follow the drivers—all the way to their smartphone.


The Solution for Mini Trans:
- SimaWeb Transportation 